Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hey! Wow! Gosh!!!

So - here I am in Fluxbloggerland.

Hope it all goes well folks.

I'm just off on a mini-break - not taking small cars to a car-crushing plant, nor taking apart small skirts - but rather a few days holdidaydiday in our motor home to a charming and hopefully secluded place in the country where I can have a think about what I might put on this new blog when I return.

Peace and love.


hazel said...

Hey! Wow! Gosh! Haiku!

Hey! Wow! Gosh! Blimey!
Exclaimation marks the spot!
And blog me sideways!

Cecil Touchon said...

Is this how you leave a message?
Cecil Touchon

State of Being said...

Today's instruction:

Sit or stand.


Sheila Murphy said...

I'm standing on ceremony while I sit here thinking.

Allan Revich said...


I have successfully followed your instruction.

...now what?