Saturday, September 23, 2006

My tomato will be your tomato

you remember the first & seconde time
i read yer tomatoe andtoe to toe we matched
parts and slinging sides
with paste and goo?
how we matched thyme with
peccadilo and aramidill
O & jellO and potatoe
with ham sliced chives & cheese
the seconde fois naturally was
better than rhyming cheese with air
or stickle-back fish with mother
or that french-fries always taste
better at the greasiest spoon in town
and that my thighs when chewed on
spurted like spaghetti sauce
with Italian onions
and garden red pulpy

but most of all

what you recall


my potatoes & potassium blues

Well I love you mY sweet Little Potatoe

no matter the red ripe tomatoe!!!!!

March 15, 2006
From guitarded112

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