Sunday, April 15, 2012


jakob.h.jones said...

I am currently writing a dissertation on Fluxus, and am wondering what the current Fluxus contingent feel has changed since the fluxus funeral?

I would be most interested to hear any views from current members.

I may also be contacted on

All the Best,

The Co-orp King said...


I don't know what the "current Fluxus contingent" feel has changed because the only ones left from it are Alison Knowles, Ben Patterson, Ben Vautier, Phillip Corner, Mieko Shiomi, Yoko Ono, Larry Miller, Ken Friedman, Geoff Hendricks, Erik Andersen and a few others so you should ask them directly. The rest have passed away. A lot of my younger friends call themselves "Fluxus" but that does not make them Fluxus in my opinion. I hope you are not talking about them. They are lovely people and make lovely Flux-influenced works so I call them Neo-Fluxus or Post-Fluxus or Post-Mannerists but they are not Fluxus. Other people have less kind names for them. Many do works that are in the sensibility of Fluxus but their insistance to mislabel themselves leads to confusion and the creation of works that are not of a Fluxus sensibility and in this way misinfomation is spread that dilutes the power of genuine, original Fluxus works. Sometimes I call my activities Fluxpan or Jungfluxus because I adore fluxus but I am not stupid enough to confuse myself with a previous generation or to convince others that I am something that I am not. Each generation must make new works and think up new names for their activities and use the tools uniquely available to them.

Mark Bloch
PO Box 1500
NY NY 10009 USA

Unknown said...

Permission, I found an email contact where I could send this invitation, I apologize if you dislike. Best regards olga

MAIL ART - NO violence against women

Invitation to participate in the International Mail Art Project, theme Women and our social-political situations in where we live, being a reflection of the situation of women, both struggles and achievements as naturalized in violence today.

We appreciate the participation and dissemination of project

Terms and Conditions for LOOKS AND POSTCARDS
LOOKS AND POSTCARDS: An international exchange of art,
ideas, friendship, and looks of a world that manifests itself artistically, being a social reflection.NO violence against women

He invited artists-No calls to make Mail Art Artists.
Reflecting the political-social situation of women in their countries,
for the "Gathering of Artists for Non-violence against women" to be held
Bahia Blanca, Argentina, November 25, 2012 under the International Day of Nonviolence
Against Women and then go
the countries of this event and continue to participate in samples
galleries and / or street.

Techniques; Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.)
All writings, poems, verses, sentences must be passed into English and Spanish.

Size: Free, depending on the resources of each place and each artist, you can also reach
agreement if the country has a host-coordinator.

Quantity: Free

Closing date for receipt: 10/09/2012.

Artists lxs created and / or postcards intervene on one side, leaving the adverse side
target for intervention of the public who visit the exhibition.

The works must be coming to Bahia Blanca, Argentina in August-September

No jury, no return, no works comercialización.Todas
will be published online in the blog-http :/ / /

We'll select all entries received that do not qualify unless the
the criterion of the proposed theme.

Participation in this call is free and implies knowledge
and full acceptance of the conditions thereof.

Each country will have a host who is responsible for advising participating artists lxs
Explaining type of paper, weights, measurements, date and mode of delivery, and in the case of countries that do not have, at the discretion of each artist.
The Post should be sent in a sealed envelope along with personal information to this address before Sept. 10, 2012

Olga Corrales
Address: Libertad No 3756-Ing White
Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
C.P. 8000

IMPORTANT: Also send pictures in JPG format (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail:
Will be uploaded to the blog

For people who want to reflect the situations of women in our land, with those structures dehumanised, to be the art who will educate, inform, salv
e, and denature such violence
Showing doors outside, inside, down the carpet, and what happens in the room q, in the kitchen, with phobias killer, what happens in the q networks around the world, in politics, in lxs infiltradxs with our desterradxs origins, that involves us all the comrades, that is personal, that is political, q is social.
Looks and Postcards