Saturday, August 19, 2006

red circle serves nothing

Match the comments with the correct post

Very nice. Gives a whole new meaning to "artwork on a CD." [matching post]
This is my idea of brilliant. Bravo. [matching post]
2.What do you do when one of your piece no longer occupies its square on the board? [matching post]
another example of child abuse [matching post]
but where can i find some that is for sale? [matching post]
Is it still functional? [matching post]

Your eyes are getting heavy ....

You will remember NOTHING.






Red Things

Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My t-shirt arrived today!

August 26, 2006
Click here for information about the festival.
Click here for information about the festival t-shirts.
Click here for information about the Heidelberg Project.


  • Sum-meR
  • sUm-mEr
  • suM-Mer
  • sUm-mEr
  • Sum-meR


Can Fish Reid?

Virgin 1 (above - Reid Wood)

Virgin 2 (below - Allan Revich))

Salmon of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your roe.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

other servings

They also serve who only sit and listen.

Monday, August 14, 2006

nothing movies

They also fly who sever serpents

other movies

They also serve who only sit and watch.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thieves Tormented by Serpents

Dante; Thieves Tormented by Serpents with Blogger Word Verification ICYZB, by Allan Revich

A Poem for Dante

Vispo for Dante, Allan Revich - 2006

other Heidelbergs

August 26, 2006
Click here for information about the festival.
Click here for information about the festival t-shirts.
Click here for information about the Heidelberg Project.