Saturday, November 11, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

tears on my PiLLow

found potatoe work dates back to 1996! for decades us poetatoet folks' been ignored, spurned, rejects, not loved, wanted and needed! what tears on our pillows! our gushy selves are ruined! O potato so round so feely true! O
my potatoe one day you too
Will head to Delphi!!!
gender free poetatoette weeps leaving blogger stage Right!

  • potato
  • Fly Air Tomato War

    Fly Air Tomato War

    lufthansa too

    can surgery do anything about this?

    Supporters are flying Lufthansa - 2

    supporters after the operation

    supporters before the operation

    Thursday, November 09, 2006

    Origin of Bunny Head

    thing you bold|ON Strike Potatoes on the GroOve

    true poetatoe surrendeR tomatatata soup

    blip blap blep stip brim brim brim brim brim grip brim brim blup bleeop brap
    hold you thingthing you hold

    My Big Fa t TomatOe exit her Potatoe of toehold
    of its gasp to beat

    Somatoe sauce & Potatoe soup de jour


    Supporters are flying Lufthansa

    Flying tomatoes with Lufthansa.

    (c) 2006 by Litsa Spathi - Fluxus Digital Collage

    Tomato Attacks

    protect yourself on the tomato path...

    (c) 2006 by Litsa Spathi - Fluxus Digital Collage.

    Walking the Tomato Path

    (c) 2006 by Litsa Spathi - Tomato War after Delphi.

    Litsa Spathi comes back from Delphi

    Litsa Spathi comes back from Delphi with:

    Oracular statement from Delphi:

    There are three roads, most distant from each other: The one leading to the honourable house of freedom, the other of slavery, which mortals must shun. The third road is the tomato-path leading to X-culture: a walk of responsibility and Nobody keeps the spirit alive.

    Theatre, poetry, drama, sacred fire and Nothings is X-culture; it is the mirror of our X-society. It makes you proud as a Greek, as it is Nobody’s history itself, or property and the heritage of Litsa Spathi and Nobody, who are counting the grains of sand on the beach and measure the sea, who understand the speech of the dumb and hear the voiceless. They should dare to continue the walk on the Tomato-path.

    Nothing for Nobody

    two red circles with nothing for nobody inside


    Wednesday, November 08, 2006

    Fluxlist Monkey Scammer

    Fluxlist Monkey Scammer


    blog score

    [political] blog score (usa version)

    1. inhale
    2. hold breath until blue
    3. exhale
    4. stay blue

    repeat as often as necessary

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    Last Rites

    Administering last rites to the tomato plants with Allen Bukoff's Fluxus Tomato wand.


    Sunday, November 05, 2006