Thursday, October 22, 2009

laughing fluxus

Sound Effects - Lunatic Laughter
Found at

Lachplatte mono pol

"Lachplatte mono pol = Kleider machen Leute" - Inter...action between Gema & Nobody alias Litsa Spathi


om mani padme hum

Nerje Seggoo

Kleider-machen-Leute - Performance für Gott...

"Kleider-machen-Leute": Nobody's Performance für Gott...fried Keller

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wood You Rock Me @ 3?

What? Send a piece of wood before December 3rd, 2009
Where? Christine Tarantino
P.O. Box 121
Wendell, MA 01379 USA
Why? I will create a structure from all the pieces of wood you send me.
Then I will build a totem using rocks with participants' initials.
The wooden structure will be burned and the ashes will be sent to you as part of the project documentation.
The rock totem will stand as long as it wants to.

Original Ray Johnson drawing

We were lucky to find in the bookshop "Specific Object" in Chelsea Ray Johnson's book "The Paper Snake" published in 1965 by The Something Else Press, New York.
To our surprise the book had an original drawing of a ladder in ballpen by Ray Johnson.
An "adder" is a kind of viper snake.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

uyluy poem no zero

"uyluy poem no zero" - Uyluy & Co - Haltlose Abfolge von Formen und visuellen Strukturen/visual ugly poetry by Litsa Spathi