Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Walling off Palestinains from each other & the world

Palestinian children-riding in cart

American tanks entering through American Seperation Wall-- Sadr City, Baghdad

Guantanamo--Detainee being returned to cell following "enhanced interrogation"
Cracking World's Walls & Codes--Mail Art/Visual Poetry Call
Cracking World's Walls & Codes Concrete & Virtual
No Sieges, Tortures, Starvation & Surveillance
Deadline/Fecha Limite: SinsLimite/ongoing
Size: No limit/Sin Limite
No Limit on Number of Works sent
No Limit on Number of Times New Works Are Sent
Documentation: on my blog
David Baptiste Chirot
740 N 29 #108
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Cinema of Catharsis
SendVisual Poetry, Mail Art, Photos, Mixed Media, articles, essays todocument and protest the Walls & Codes of the New Prisons,Panopticons, on the ground and on line.

When the Berlin Wall came down, Freedom and Joy and the "end of history" were proclaimed.
However,it soon became clear that to protect Freedom and Joy, there is agreater horror than ever of Security, Walls, Prisons, Surveillance,Torture, that to protect Freedom and Joy, there is a greater horror than ever of Security, Walls, Prisons, Surveillance, Torture

NO!!!There are not enough Prisons and Panopticons to stop Human Rights and Liberty—
When Humans work —in Solidarity Among
Peoples—for the Rights of Every Person—

NO! To Prison Planet! No to Walls! No to Panopticons! No to being a Living Dead! No to being a Prisoner!
Alterationsof online encyclopedias, maps, the disappearance and interruption ofweb sites, news feeds, documents, photos, videos on line, replaced byfaked substitutions, create a Virtual Cleansing of Reality, a newmethod of Disappearing peoples, ideas, histories, so that thesurveilled and controlled users online will find a Prison of an everincreasing Conformity of self-confirming censored and fakeddisinformations, ideas, images and examples.
NO! To Prison Planet! No to Walls! No to Panopticons! No to being a Living Dead!
Walls Cannot Stop Freedom

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Fluxus Situation: Spam spoem Fluxus Poem No 00000000001

Fluxus Situation: Spam spoem Fluxus Poem No 00000000001 - Spoem spam poem Fluxus Poem by Litsa Spathi
fluxus situation,
Litsa Spathi,
spoem spam poem
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