Friday, December 22, 2006

Fly KJ


Great tits (Parus major) foraging for caterpillars contribute to ...

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Metabolic energy to fly (kJ.s. - 1. ) M. f. =14*BMR*T. f. Hinsley (2000) after. Masman & Klaassen. (1987). Basic Metabolic Rate (kJ.s ... - Similar pages

Christmas handout

Handing out about 100 of these Christmas-cheer packets.

"Motherfucker"'s a Detroit thing.
"Bad Santa" stuff increasing in popularity.

another red circle with nothing in it

another red circle with nothing in it by red circle revich

How to make a Non-Objective Fluxpoem

A Non-Objective Fluxpoem is composed of the negative and positive spaces of letters constructed into a composition whose meaning and enjoyment rests in the visual rythmns and movement of the resultant relationships of the shapes and spaces. Anyone can make a Non-Objective Fluxpoem . Any font can be used in the making of this type of a fluxpoem and the change in the font type will open new possibilities of expression.

Non-Objective Fluxpoems are a great way to express your deepest non-verbal thoughts and make wonderful works of art for your walls or presents for friends and family.

[ work shown: Cecil Touchon - Fusion Series #2216 - 18x12 inches
Collage and Acrylic on Paper

As a score:

option a. Take letters, chop them up into bits. Arrange into an abstract composition. (example above)

option b. Take a sheet with letters on it. Cut sheet into squares that each have aproximately one half of a letter on it. Arrange parts randomly into a grid. (example below)

[ Cecil Touchon - Fusion Series #1444 - 7x6 inches ]

for Maciunas/for Ray Johnson (with thanks to Sticker Dude for RayJay package)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

another red circle with nothing in it

emit podcast #2: Hare!

This piece was prompted by "Hare Christmas" a tone poem/joke/audio piece by my good old friend and performance artist Hilario Alvarez from "Oficina de Ideas Libres". His voice was used as the only source material, and was processed using ixi software's amazing grainBox.

And, btw, you are aware of ixi software's audio tools, aren't you?


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