Friday, August 31, 2007

sage assmen

a grim assessment
pentagon disputes report
korean hostages leave

TOTAL ECLIPSE---Iran Iran Rant Rant Rant

Mr president--what did you decide to do about Iraq?

I ran.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

a red arctic circle



Allan, I thought you might like to see this.

and this one too.


The War on Drugs: An Equal Opportunity Multi-National Corpse-oration

Waiting . . . at the Bust Stop--

In the news:
Latest Opium Crop in Afghanistan surpasses previous record set less than a year ago
learned another person i knew overdosed/died from the new ultra-strong ultra-cheap Afghani heroin
How ingenious!
Killing enemies abroad and at home with one War on Terrorism/Drugs/Poverty!!!

Fluxus Walker


over size modern red circle
(with six small, five tiny - modernity unspecified)

FluxBeatrice 3

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

red circle with nothing in it [moon]

give get

forget the war on drugs
power without the people
give peace a chance

The Great Midwest Flood of 2007

I'm struggling to keep my head above water.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


shiite gunmen clash
millions of condoms recalled
deal reached for release


FOUND ARTIST (Tova Rogers)

Last November my wife and I bopped over to Cranbrook Art Museum to check out Space is the Place--a traveling exhibition dealing with outer space. Walked into one of the galleries and noticed a chalked off square on the floor with someone standing in it. Sensing a game, I checked it out. Occupant of the chalk square turned out to be a Crankbrook MFA sculpture student. She was doing her own renegade installation/performance at the opening: creating and occupying "space."

Had occasion recently to spend some time with the artist, Tova Rogers, and find out more about her work. I discovered a lot of smart Fluxus sensibility (like I saw in the chalk performance). I'll give you one other example, and then maybe I can coax her on here to present some of her other stuff.

“On. On. I love you On. You’re so On. On. Part II”
(44 x 60-inch poster)
Poster displays 86,400 time units (hour:minute:second)-- all the seconds in one day in relentless order.

It's a Start.



Monday, August 27, 2007

true loo

under a blood moon
athens launches arsonists
mourners pay tribute

wrong way

a red circle with fluxus ghosts in it

Your image has


Your image has been added.

New from Malok—The Cunt Utters


Let's cuntify the universe. Eat my mouthy cunt. The cunt gibbers and jests within its own insult. I'm a comatose cunt spewing stormy maggots into Jupiter's spasms. A cunt calls attention to itself. Cuntify the universe of universes. The cunt machines drain and add energy to the earth's spit supply. Ripping cunts of C. Bethel in Oakland. Love the cunt. The cunt loves. The cunt loves you Cuntify the universe. My webless spider cunt is throbbing without sound in the bottomless void of everything. Everything is my cunt. You cunt. Cuntify the universe. The cunt combing his hair sees the continuation on his viewscreen and wets it, The wolf has a million cunts. Cuntification of the universe begins next Tuesday. Cunts jump. Cunts jam. Cunts are like jelly-jam on quarters. Iraq cunts in the whole. The whole frazzle of cuntfaced screamers in Cunt Heaven work for food. I waste cunts. I save cunts. I am a waste of cunt. Cuntify the universe! The cunt-tree needs some flower explosions, nude blip-bip. I am the perfect cunt wasting away on the fifteenth moon of Jasper Prime cut. The cunt is the TV without question or change. In all the hours of Cuntian bliss, we come again into shiny bacteria. Lick my Cunt-face. Let's cuntify the universe! The universe of cunt. The universe is wise with millions of maple cunts. I am cunt and furniture. I am Heston's live cunt-fart. Evenly-spaced cunt. Cuntify the universe! Into weary underwear, factories of cunt flow, within and without. A cunt enchants glassy Thailand, cunt sects casually depart. Low lips in the cuntification closures, clip the cunt. Let's cuntify the universe! The cunt is the field. The cunt is the flower. The cunt is the bee's leg. The cunt explodes within the stained lower eyetooth around Bran Nebula. A cuntian grimace of returning pain graces the guilty wombs of nefarious streams of purple cheeks. Extend the cunts. Cuntify the universe! Cuntify the universes! Cuntify the universe of universes! The cunt tackles all flying bullets. Cunt pimples forever! We are all cunts. We all have aspects of cunt. We are all cuntified aspects of the Big Bang. We are all cunts on God's third psychotic snap of the fingers. Love my cunt. Love cunt. Cuntify the universe! Upstairs in my cunt-chamber, I create nuclear titties of God and expend them along college byways. The Buddha is cunt. The cunt is my Buddha. Everything is connected sideways in the Cunt Bliss Oval. Cuntify the universes! I am the Cuntian Gestalt at 11:42 on Wednesday night, standing deaf at the dead car in the blackest dark of white tissue. I am a full memory of cunt. Cunt hairs at the horizon of accounts past. The cunt of accountability has orange lips. The universe is Cunt! Within the nimbus factory, the cunt shines. Outside the hell-symbol, the cunt shines. At the eyeball crease, the cunt blinds. Oh, the cunt of it. Cuntify the universe of universes! What a dork my sweet cunt is! I am the cuntian aspect that defines dork. The cunt is! Cuntify the universe! My mind is a cunt that can't be penetrated by reasons. My cunt is my reason. My cunt is an open void that opens onto a plain of naked wet-stuff. The cunt drool is completely rational. All cunts have ninety degree perceptual powers to detect ingrown consciousness. Let's cuntify the mind. Let's cuntify the universe! Oh, he cunt of it! Everytime you say country, you say cunt. Everytime you say cunt, you have a nuclear war and a haircut. Religion is all razor blades in the cunt. Let us not deny the reality of all cuntian monks! Lettuce be merry cunts at the last iota of matter-feed, at the last moment of anti-time cuntian orgasm. The last cunt closes the door. The last bleep of homage to the 2000 cunt-fest is in Mr. Welles' final film. I am airbrushing my amazingly shrinking cunt. The grant is within the cuntian largeness. Sweet and juicy is my cunt at 8:20 tonight. The battle of the glacial swords within the kingdom of the kissing cunts! Let's cuntify the U.S. president. Let's cuntify the end of the void's lack of color. I want to die with all the cunts in the Alamo! Upstairs there is a large tub of homosexual cunts who offer tribute to the heroes of golf. We are the motivated cunts! We cuntify the dental world! We are the cunts that fortify the earthling's glory. We are cunt glory! We glory in the cunt's radius! The Holy-Moly circle is the cunt. I rent out my cunt to the highest swimmer. Cunt has no fathom. Cunt has no voidal center. Cunt is all things at the approximate center of the largest black hole. The sequence is thusly cuntian: scope the still-there cunt and receive cuntian papers with white bagged cuntian refuse in upper right gestalt (two, with an interrupting cunt extractiion follow-up) and... final, silent gestalt, cough on the porch with the Cuntiana Spiders! Cuntify the universe! Cuntify the air! The Silent Coughing Spiders on the porch zero-in the bathing cunt. The Brazilian Cunt-Leaf controls the earthquakes on Venus. I met Mr. Cunt-Brain at the Void-Vomit Hotel and whipped the nipples. A cunt is all the money on earth and exploding within itself! One person signing both sides of the boxed cunt. Whirl of the wistful beauty underlining the goddess cunt. Let's cuntify the anti-universe! I'm just an Elmer-Cunt whitening the inner choppers of the Sinatra clones. "I was walking down Arlington Road and my feet started to hurt so bad I had to buy an airlifted cunt from our current president." The nap never counts when 20,000 cunts come over the Three Mountains. A balance of cunts arrive and deposit at the same instance of message and no-message. All hail the cunt! Cuntify the universe of universes! By nature, the tweak of the random cunt.! All the uncertain aspects of the airborn cunt flutter thru the objective smiles of Absolute Water! I will add that essential component in her own handwritten cunt. The where of the meeting of the cunts is just as important as the when and can't be taken for granted. Especially when one cunt is anal and obssessive! Compulsive murders of the in-stock cunt lapels! Let's cuntify the prison system! It's so hot in here in the Arctic, I'll eat my cunt in the Ozarks! It's all Zen-Cunt anyway in the half afterlife. A small spider crosses the liquid desert to kneel before the Cubic-Cunt. The bloody web is full of tiny cunt-elephants instituting policy at the point of the explosion. By nature, the squeak of the prohibited cunt-scream! Tonight I am a cunt-brain that has no mindless batch of thought-cunts. My cunt is the basic structural flaw that makes everything perfect. The riddle of the raffle ruffles my cunt follicles in March. I watch the fires from Cunt Hair Mountain, vantage vagina! I levitated into my own clean and snazzy cunt and viewed God's last minute in Eternity. Let's cuntify all used books! I will give pleasure to all the iron-cunts and eat pizza, too! I'm a puddle in my own Cuntian rainstorm on Mars. Mars is full of water-cunts right now! Mars is full of the water of Cunts! Mars throws his cunt-shaped sword into the oceans of Mercury. The cunts cascade into mountains of one-way cell-phones. Cuntify the universes! The Invisible Cunt is an extension of our Visible Minds. The universe is the All or Nothing Cuntian Jangle. I am the actual cunt of Charles Bronson. Quickly before I fly, throw me the first cunt on December 10th, 1953! Cuntify the universal fuck dirge!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fluxus Free Zone (with nothing in it)

a red circle with nothing in it by allan revich and/or miekal and

wound me

mine boss defends search
fallen soldiers return home
six afghans wounded

Fluxus Free Zone

"Wreck -Creation Period" at Maitre Maciunas' School

clothed in fluxus

wearing last years clothes from ptomaine & revich

dress them yourself - click here

mug portrait III

the saddest one

no train horn

traffic does not stop